Hey, it is CreaturePhil here and we are back once again, now with a new league system. The room got deleted cause I was busy doing stuff but now I'm back and so is the frost room! Check out our new league system here. Anyways we will be back with our usual league news once I get things situated. The site is getting revamp a bit so things may seem a bit mess up. I got a list of now unlisted pages if you would like to see some of them. 
         Hello, welcome back to the the Creature League news. It's been awhile, since CreaturePhil has been gone but now he is back in full force(not really). CreaturePhil has been trying to introduce new members to the creature league and has created new factions in the league for that. These include such things as frontier brains, trainers, and professors. They will be included in the website shortly or by the time this is posted, it has already been included in the website. 
In addition, the Creature League News staff has a whole new revamp as well as the League Pages in the new version 1.9 update. Although it is more internal than externally influencing our challengers and stuff, we have reorganized the staff with deparments. New departments such as Pokemon of the Week and Image Department has been added and are assigned to specific writers or members of the Creature League Staff.