Hey, it is CreaturePhil here and we are back once again, now with a new league system. The room got deleted cause I was busy doing stuff but now I'm back and so is the frost room! Check out our new league system here. Anyways we will be back with our usual league news once I get things situated. The site is getting revamp a bit so things may seem a bit mess up. I got a list of now unlisted pages if you would like to see some of them. 
         Hello, welcome back to the the Creature League news. It's been awhile, since CreaturePhil has been gone but now he is back in full force(not really). CreaturePhil has been trying to introduce new members to the creature league and has created new factions in the league for that. These include such things as frontier brains, trainers, and professors. They will be included in the website shortly or by the time this is posted, it has already been included in the website. 
In addition, the Creature League News staff has a whole new revamp as well as the League Pages in the new version 1.9 update. Although it is more internal than externally influencing our challengers and stuff, we have reorganized the staff with deparments. New departments such as Pokemon of the Week and Image Department has been added and are assigned to specific writers or members of the Creature League Staff.

Hey guys, I'm officially back from the Creature League. Just wanted to updated you guys real quick. Well this is just a short little update post. The official creature league news will be back shortly. Don't mind the construction on the site, I'm still adding many new features to the Creature League Website!
- CreaturePhil
CreaturePhil, the great leader of the creature league has been dethrowned in the Creature League Room on the frost server. He is no longer room owner. A rebellion has taken place by such league members as LeafShockerJC, DjAvicii, Lunar Cat, killerjays, and others that have not been accounted for or is insignificant. With this, they may be leaving or creating a league of their own. All of the staff members except the great loyal Zisteau are leaving the Creature League Staff. Dac was in a furious mental state when he heard about these news. He was outraged at what CreaturePhil had done about abusing his powers as room owner. With this event, Dac has quit the Creature League. As well as the other various members of the Creature Staff. The honorary staff, however, are mostly unknowned about if they will be leaving the league or not.

A true farewell to the Creature League with these last screenshots and our final extensions in such servers as Storm and killthenoise servers.

                 Welcome back to the Creature Tour! It has been several weeks since the last creature tour. You asked why such a long delay? Well to put it simply, our staff got pretty lazy. Anyways we are back now and this is the fourth creature tour. The tier for this tour is generation 5 1 versus 1. There were some amazing and breath-taking battles in CT#4 1vs1 tournament. 

Hey, welcome back to the Creature league news! A lot of stuff have happen these past weeks. The Creature League tried to set up there own server but so far not a lot of progress had been made. But some screenshots were taken of the server and of our recent screenshots on how the league is doing so far.

Hello once again to another installment of the Creature League News! First off, we'll start with the results of the 2nd poll of the week. The question was "Who is your favorite Creature?" and it had a total of 8 votes. "ImmortalHD" wins first place with 4 votes, then "UberHaxorNova" with 3 votes, and finally "DanzNewz" with 1 vote. Thank you to everyone that votes in the Creature League's Poll of the Week. 
Next, we'll like to congratulate CreaturePhil for getting first in PokeBank OU Ladder in the frost server. Unforunately somehow his ladder results was corrupted and is no longer showing. 
This week frost changed to a halloween theme which is pretty cool but the coloring is pretty dark and can hurt some people's eyes x_x.
Well that's it for this week Creature League News. Sorry for this week's short Creature News but our staff has been quite busy (and lazy too...). Stay tune next week for the next Creature League News. 

The Creature League Website Changelog v1.5:

- New Hall of Famers Pages
- General Site Updates
- Upper Header Removed
- Revamp Staff Page
- CreaturePhil
Welcome back to the Creature Tour. I'm getting tired of doing this so something might changed to make it easier on myself. Actually this is going to lack a lot of content now since CreaturePhil is too lazy haha. Anyways let's get on with the tour in PokeBank OU beta tier!

             Hello everybody and welcome back to another installment of the creatureleague news. We will be starting off with an apology that we don't state in the creature league news about our retired staff. This is because they may comeback so we don't really want to make it official, if you know what I mean. ;)
             The battles in pokemon showdown are sometimes broken due to many new generation six mechanics being added causing many bugs. This is unforunate but hopefully the developers and programmers will fix it soon enough. UPDATE: I wrote this a few days ago and now here to update ya'll all. Anyways ladder reset and pokebank is used caused that is how all older gens can be playable in the the games. Also did you know that each time Pokemon Showdown crashes, Zarel gets an email and Zarel talks in /declare commands 99% of the time.
Furthermore, we will have more segments in the creature league news. Other than the general news of pokemon, showdown, and the league; we will be implementing such segments like technology, lifehacking, and five facts of the week.

Hello once again back to the creature league news. It is kinda of annoying to write these yet writing these are so fun at the same time. This week the main mofo has been very busy so everything is delayed. When refering to the main mofo, I meant CreaturePhil. Anyways moving on, earlier in the week, the creature league hosted a hangman tour. It went not that smoothly since it was on a weekday and since it wasn't official or anything. The staff organized it pretty badly. But anyways it was still a fun event and we may do it again sometime. Hopefully it would go much smoother and be even more fun next time. http://challonge.com/hangmantour The Hangman Tour was hosted by CreaturePhil, Zisteau, Charizard517, and LeafShockerJC. "How to play: Each Match is made up of 3 Hangman Games. Who ever wins the best of the three games, wins the match and advances on. Possible Topics: Any and all subjects about pokemon, other."

Now going to the end of the week where there were a lot of people being modded by Phil because he was either drunk or sleep deprived. Here is the list that are temp mod, although some may actually be official mods of the creature league. branded, gym trnr rose, lunar cat, xpareidolia, Gym Tr?iner NiXXeR, Ch?mpion Xman , ??BlazingFlareon??, killer tiger, redwood grovyle, qualna, saber-toothed hand, metallica~, wingg, araw. In addition, we have updated the league site as CreaturePhil as been doing errands making other sites to improve his skills. Althought CreaturePhil's gimp skills is still kind of noobish.